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What permissions do adenin's web parts require?

When you first install an adenin web part or Viva app the web part may ask you to grant it API access.

Grant permission to adenin web part

The web part requires the User.Read permission scope so that it may know the identitiy of the SharePoint user that is currently logged in. Without this knowledge the web part cannot match the identitify of the SharePoint user to the correct Adenin instance.

For example, if you use the Jira integration web part, Jira is connected to Adenin's platform and uses the identitiy of the SharePoint user as the identity with which it accesses Jira. This allows the web part to show user A the issues assigned to user A, rather than showing the same data for everyone.

Is there a lesser permission scope the web part could request?

No, in the spirit of using as little data as possible, User.Read is already the minimum possible permission scope. If you have already granted more privileged scopes in your API Access menu, such as User.ReadBasic.All then the Adenin web parts will work with those as well. Learn more about what scopes are available for request.

User.Read is already showing as an Approved request, but it isn't requested by an Adenin web part

All web parts in SharePoint share API access. If you have a package that previously had gotten the User.Read scope approved, then the Adenin web parts, too, can immediately access this scope; you don't need to seperately approve their use of it.

What if I don't want to grant Adenin this User.Read scope?

Adenin places maximum protections on safeguarding user data, and employs industry best practices to secure your and your users data and privacy. Please see our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for details.

We understand that some organizations have highly restrictive rules, such as governmental organizations or financial institutions, that require a level of protection not available from most Software as a Service offerings.

In these cases, please reach out to the team about our On-premises installable package that enables you to run a Docker container version of our platform within your infrastructure.