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OpenAPI Extensions

To integrate new Apps, you'll need an OpenAPI definition file. This file serves as the universal standard for detailing your API's operations and parameters in a format that machines can easily understand. We support both OpenAPI version 2.0 and 3.0, though we suggest opting for version 3.0 when crafting new documents.

Additionally, as you develop new app connectors, consider leveraging the following OpenAPI extensions to enhance functionality beyond the core capabilities.

Endpoint definitions


By default only GET endpoints are showing in the UI. x-at-visibility changes the user-facing visibility for an endpoint.

Possible values: standard or advanced

  • show endpoint shows in UI .
  • hide endpoint does not show in UI.

Parameter definitions


Specifies the user-facing visibility for a parameter.
Possible values: standard or advanced

  • standard parameters are always shown to the user.
  • advanced parameters are showing in the advanced section.

The default for required parameters is standard. Parameters with a default value are advanced per default.

Additional OpenAPI features

  1. Path Parameters (in: path) can have a default value

Non supported OpenAPI features

  1. Cookies are not supported, so in: cookie definitions are ignored